Accelerate your ESG Reporting with

Introducing, your Intelligent Guide designed to transform ESG reporting. Leverage its assistance to simplify data collection and understand complex regulations to enhance your reporting.

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General / Industry-Specific Query

Supports broad and industry-specific queries, ensuring versatile applicability across industries.

Mind Maps

Provides simple, visual representations of ideas, facilitating easier brainstorming and planning.

Asking for Clarity

Prompts users for feedback to ensure clarity and correctness, minimizing errors and misunderstandings.

An AI-powered Intelligent Guide designed to transform reporting efficiency.

Understanding the complexities of CSRD and EU Taxonomy regulations requires significant time and expertise. Our AI-powered Sustainability Advisor,, alleviates this challenge by automating data collection, analysis, and compliance verification.

Guideline Overview

What Can Do?

Discover three applications of your AI Advisor which drastically reduce your compliance burden to help you achieve your sustainability goals.

Napkin Diagram


Provides simple, visual representations of ideas or plans, facilitating brainstorming and planning. This benefit makes complex concepts easier to grasp, enabling more effective communication and idea development.